Do You See?

14 05 2012

Do You See? Do You Really See?

Do you see what the child sees?
Can you really see?
Do you see with a child’s eyes?
Can you really see?

Trapped in the fog of your despair?
Tunnel-vision of the damned.
A by-product of your past and the now
With no future at hand?

You’re blind! Open your eyes!
Wipe away that fog!
Look! Really look!
With your heart and mind; the whole lot.

Does that buzzing in your head
Distract, trouble and torment?
Cloud your eyes like cataracts?
You’re pathetic in your lament!

Look to roads that lead the way
Into future so uncertain
Your fears and insecurities
Contract muscles, cause pain; Yes – I know it’s hurting.

Your fingers tremble, your eyelids flutter.
You’d rather sit and weep.
It’s the caked years of dusty layers
Of failure, sorrow so deep.

If I was there, I’d smack you hard.
Right on the back of your head.
You pathetic insufferable fool.
What lazy, weak paths have you led?

No road is right, wrong, left or right.
It’s just a choice that’s there.
What happens down the line is not clear.
It takes you to who knows where?

“Look” – I say, with a child’s eyes.
Be expectant, live, enjoy the surprise.
Let the light of the future shine bright.
Don’t let uncertainty be your demise.

Not only must you see as a child.
You must do as a child might.
Failure is always an option.
There is no wrong or right.

Just do. Be the moment. See with eyes so bright.
Work harder, use the hurt, the pain of lessons learned
To guide you and mind you
The rewards will be justly earned.

Do you see what the child sees?
Can you really see?
Do you see with a child’s eyes?
I said, “Do you really see?”




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